Monday, March 12, 2012

Depression Warning Signs

Depression Warning Signs

Depression is a condition where a person feels sad and depressed. In this article, you will get to know about the various depression warning signs.

Depression is one such physical and mental health condition, which if neglected for long, can ruin the entire life of a person. It happens due to complicated interactions between certain chemicals in our body and the brain. The adverse effects of depression touches every aspects of our life, starting from our lifestyles, our relationships, our performances at the workplace and so on. About ten percent of people suffer from depression at least once in their lifetime. However, very few people seek medical attention to cure the problem. This is mainly because most of them fail to identify the depression warning signs.

The 5 Warning Signs of Depression

Depression cannot be diagnosed with the help of any physical examination or blood tests. You have to rely on the warning signs to detect depression. Here we have mainly discussed about the most common warning signs of clinical depression.

Lack of Interest in Daily Activities

One of the most early warning signs of depression is losing interest in all such activities which were thoroughly enjoyed at one point of time in life. It could be a hobby or some social activities, meeting friends, etc. They start withdrawing from active participation of any social interaction. It is very difficult to identify as the concerned person refuses to admit it as a sign of depression. If such people take medical help at this stage, then they are asked to socialize more and more. It has been found that with the increase in social interaction, a certain type of chemical is being released which helps in stabilization of the moods, and they get back the sense of happy feelings.

Sleep Disorders

Depression Warning Signs

Depression affects our sleep very badly. People in depression find it difficult to fall asleep. This problem is known as insomnia and in certain cases, people fail to sleep the whole night. As a result, they feel sleepy and fatigued all through the day which in turn increases irritability and other behavioral problems. Other sleep disorders include excessive sleeping, frequent waking up from sleep during the night, getting up too early in the morning, etc. Sleep disorders aggravate the depression very much as the brain fails to renew the supply of those essential chemicals that are required for its normal functioning. Change in sleeping habits is a part of the treatment of depression.

Suicidal Thoughts

This is the most apparent sign of serious depression. Such people often talk about hopelessness, killing themselves or harming themselves in some way. Such a condition arises when the person in depression feel helpless. Actually, most of the people in such a state do not want to die but they desperately want to get rid of their pain. If you know anyone who has this tendency to harm himself, you should extend your helping hand towards him by seeking professional help without any delay. Counseling is the best treatment for this condition.

Change in Appetite

Depression brings about drastic change in the eating habits of the concerned person. Some people stops eating anything and others often indulge in overeating. This leads to excessive loss or gain of weight. Many a times, it has been observed that such people are more keen to eat snacks and junk food than any healthy diet. As proper nutrition is a must for maintaining both the physical as well as the mental health of a person, improper eating habits can aggravate the depression. In such cases, intake of a healthy diet helps to get rid of the condition of depression.

Physical Ailments

Depression not only affects our mental health but it badly affects our physical health as well. Frequent occurrence of headaches, stomach aches, digestive problems, muscle pain, etc., are common depression symptoms. This happens because when our mind is in a depressed state, some irregularity occurs in the process of release in chemicals from the brain. As a result of this imbalance, a person in depression experiences various types of pain. Improvement can be seen in the health condition after the start of the treatment for depression.

People of any age group can suffer from depression. It can affect both adult men or women. However, research studies suggest that women are more prone to depression than men. Depression among teens is also very common these days. In all the cases of depression, one or more of these depression warning signs become visible. With the help of proper counseling, depression medications, change in lifestyle, and support from family and friends, depression can be cured completely.

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