Friday, November 30, 2012

Breast Augmentation - An Overview of the Popular Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation is by far one of the most widespread plastic surgery procedures done today. Considering the body area in question gets much notice from the opposite sex, breast enlargement is done with the objective of increasing sex appeal. No other type of plastic surgery has seen such an increase compared to breast augmentation.

Augmentation is achieved by positioning a breast implant of a predetermined size underneath the breast tissue. Breast augmentation surgery sees the use of three primary types of incisions. Incisions that start from the armpit are known as transaxillary incisions. The advantages of transaxillary incisions are the lack of scarring on the breast itself.

Monday, November 26, 2012

10 Tips to Lose Weight Fast

You may find it hard to lose weight. Even though you have tried using different kinds of techniques to lose weight with zero results, do not lose hope. Actually, you can lose weight fast with these tips.

1. Stick with one weight loss program. If you like the results of your chosen weight loss program continue with it, but if you do not see changes shift to a different weight loss program.

2. Make your weight loss program a habit. Once you have made it a habit, your health can be maintained to its optimum level. Weight related diseases such as diabetes will be less of a problem for you.

3. Hydrate with lots of water. Drinking plenty of water can help you decrease the amount of food you take in especially when you drink water before meals.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Breast Augmentation - An Overview

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular forms of plastic surgery. Here is an overview of this procedure, including a brief history and some basic facts about the surgery as it is today.

Breast augmentation has risen to become one of the most popular forms of plastic surgery for women. While it may seem as though this is a recent trend, implants have actually been around since the turn of the 20th century. A man named Vincenz Czerny was the inventor of the first implants around the late 1800s. From there, they have taken a number of different turns to become the medical implants we know today. Silicone took the early lead in the 1950s as the implant material of choice across the U.S. These were done in the form of injections, which proved to be rather unsafe. It was in 1961 that the first silicone gel implant was invented. They were used with varying success until the early 1990s, when they were banned by the FDA and replaced entirely by saline implants.

Monday, November 19, 2012

10 Tips to Lose Fat in Stomach in 10 Days

What should a person do to lose fat in stomach in 10 days? Why? Because that class reunion or beach party is coming up in ten days and you want to be ready to show your friends you still have the figure. Right now, if you're in front of a mirror it's not a pretty sight. So, how to lose fat in stomach in 10 days?

• You can actually lose fat in stomach by eating more. You can eat five to six times a day but only in small amounts. If you eat in the normal three times, that complete meal may actually be more than your body needs.

• In conjunction with the above, eat food with the fewer amounts of carbohydrates. Carbohydrate-rich foods contain a lot of sugar that translates to more calories than the body actually needs. Your body will store that excess calories as fat.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Breast Augmentation - A Look At Silicone Implants

For a long time, silicone implants had a bad reputation in the United States. Breast augmentation surgery generally was done using saline implants following an FDA ban on silicone for most implant applications. Health concerns surrounding what happened in case of rupture drove the decision to ban the material, but upon further study, the ban was lifted in 2006. Today, silicone implants are once again the most popular choice for women looking for enhancement and they offer a number of benefits over the saline implant.


It is likely that the first thing your mind as you consider breast augmentation is the possibility of a rupture. It should be noted that silicone implants are far less likely to rupture than their saline counterparts. In fact, it is their propensity to leak that leads many plastic surgeons to discourage the use of a saline implants in their patients. Manufacturers have worked diligently to improve the shell of the implant to prevent rupture. Having said that, while rupture is unlikely, it is a possibility that should be considered when deciding whether or not to have the surgery.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Breakfast at Your Desk: Have You Ever Had Dragon Fruit?

Have you ever had dragon fruit? Jen from Tiny Urban Kitchen (a lovely blog!) has me convinced that I need to try dragon fruit, and fast ...

"After doing some research," she writes, "I realized that this stuff is truly a superfood. Not only is it low in calories and high in fiber, it's packed with vitamins and antioxidants. Studies have confirmed the idea that has been floating around for awhile, that dragon fruit actually helps lower blood glucose levels in those with hyperglycemia (elevated glucose levels)."

You can find this exotic fruit, which hails from the tropics and Asia, at specialty markets, and it's ready to eat, Jen says, when the skin "yields slightly when pressed, similar to a mango." Also, she says they taste better when chilled, and with a little squeeze of lemon.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

10 Tips to Lose Weight and See Quick Weight Loss Results

Any time can be a great time to set your weight loss goals and to begin losing body fat and

reset your metabolism. Here are some tips to lose weight and begin losing body fat too:

1. Eat slowly. Your body needs time to recognize that you have eaten enough and when you put too much food in your mouth, too quickly, you will not give your stomach the adequate time to receive the signal to stop. By eating slowly, you will stop overeating and begin to see results.

2. Don't eliminate certain foods. When you decide to stop eating certain foods (unless you have a food allergy) your mind instant gravitates to wanting that food. It's like saying don't think of a pink elephant - yep, you're thinking about it. Enjoy all sorts of food during a one day period and you will never go into a deprived psychological state - which means no binging.

Sunday, November 4, 2012



ABCIXIMAB (Systemic)

Some commonly used brand names are:

In the U.S.


In Canada


Other commonly used names are

c7E3 Fab



Monoclonal antibody (antithrombotic)

Platelet aggregation inhibitor

What is ReoPro?

ReoPro is used to lessen the chance of heart attack in people who need percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), a procedure to open blocked arteries of the heart.

A heart attack may occur when a blood vessel in the heart is blocked by a blood clot. Blood clots can sometimes form during PCI. ReoPro reduces the chance that a harmful clot will form by preventing certain cells in the blood from clumping together. ReoPro is used with aspirin and heparin, which are other medicines used to keep your blood from clotting.