Saturday, April 28, 2012

Healing Meditations and Exercises: A Mystic’s Journal Entry

Healing Meditations and Exercises: A Mystic’s Journal Entry

Spirituality and Healing. A Mystic's Journal.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Most of us need healing of one sort or another. We are all plagued by our own negative thoughts, by illness and injury, at least from time to time.

Whether you formally meditate or not, there are simple healing meditations and healing exercises you can easily do - that can have remarkable results.

As a volunteer for the Distant Healing Network, I often suggest easy exercises or simple healing meditations that can bring a full and lasting healing. Most often we have to repeat the meditations and the healing is gradual - but not always. Sometimes, it is immediate.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Healthy Snacks for Toddlers

Healthy Snacks for Toddlers

Healthy snacks for toddlers are the perfect supplement to regular meals that ensure your baby is receiving the nutrition he/she needs for good mental and physical growth. Here are some ideas.

Most toddlers have boundless energy that can make it difficult for us adults to keep up with them. To sustain these energy levels, as well as to grow strong and healthy, your baby needs good adequate nutrition. However, this may be difficult to accomplish as your toddler may not have the patience to consume an entire meal at a time, may refuse to eat, or may be disinterested in food. Under these circumstances, your answer lies in good healthy snacks for toddlers, that are tasty and fun to eat. But this will leave you wondering what are healthy snacks for kids. They should ideally comprise of fresh foods that are high in nutrients (vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber), and calcium rich foods, that take care of some of the 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day your child needs. You can safely give your child two or three snacks a day, perhaps midmorning, midafternoon, and again after dinner, depending on his/her need. If you are wondering about quantities, a good rule of thumb to follow, is to feed your child one tablespoon of food for each year of your child's age.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Healthy Snack Ideas for Both Kids and Adults

Healthy Snack Ideas for Both Kids and Adults

It can be difficult to choose healthy snacks, and kids can often have different ideas of what tastes good than adults do. Here are some healthy snack ideas to keep everyone happy:

Tuna and apples: mix a can of tuna with 1T organic mayonnaise. Slice apples into thin rounds. Pile tuna on top of apples and serve like tuna and crackers. Cutting down on grains lessens the amount of empty calories you consume. This recipe also exchanges a processed food (cracker) for a whole one (apple). Apples can serve as crackers for cheese and peanut butter, as well.

Stuffed celery: you may be familiar with celery boats filled with peanut butter and raisins. Try them with chocolate peanut butter, sunflower seed butter, or Nutella, too. For adults, fill them with goat cheese and figs, pesto and sundried tomatoes, or cream cheese and strawberry preserves.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Healing Prayers for the Sick

Healing Prayers for the Sick

Sometimes, faith in God is the only thing that keeps us going and healing prayers for the sick bring about miracles that we can only dream of. Here are some prayers to tide you through tough times...

When an illness affects someone, there's little you can do unless you're a doctor, or a medical professional. Helplessness and the inability to do anything to help relieve the pain and suffering can frustrate the most patient of us. In such times, there is something you can do. Healing prayers for the sick can do exactly that, heal. Faith in the Almighty can overcome every obstacle. Not only do your prayers help the afflicted, they can also help you focus your energy in a way that can bring relief. There will always be believers as there will be questioners, but if you can bring yourself to have faith in the power of spirituality, you won't be disappointed.

A Guide To Adolescent Hair Loss

A Guide To Adolescent Hair Loss

So let us to speak about our crowning glory: the hair. It is consisting of keratin which is a kind of protein in our body. The hair is produced up of a hair shaft, the root and the follicle. At the deeper finish will be the hair bulb, exactly where the hair's color pigment- melanin is produced.

Statistics tell us that baldness strikes 40% of males by their thirties. And more than 65% of them will have the "monk" form of haircut or the common set exactly where the hair is only at the back of the head and around the temples and bald on top - by age 75. It's a acknowledged reality that baldness strikes so very much fear in males due to the fact this is really a sign that the aging process is already starting. Age, as we know is a thing we hate but yet can not do a thing about its coming.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Healing Prayers

Man has always been curious about supernatural powers that are not tangible, but which can be only experienced. Healing prayers is one of them. It can cure any illness if you believe in the divine power, even if the doctors lose hope. To know the benefits of healing prayers, read on...

It is said that God does not give us more pain than we can bear. And with that pain, he also gives us solace, but we just need to pray for it. In the Holy Bible, it is said, 'ask and you shall receive' but many of us do not even have the time to ask. We search for happiness and consolation everywhere, but not in our minds. Yes, the joy, peace of mind, security, and an inspiration lies within you. You just need to recognize and accept God beyond your intelligence and logical abilities. Healing prayers are all about igniting the faith and beliefs and channelizing all the positive energies from the Higher source to the one who needs it. It is nothing but praying in the name of God, in which you push away the negative thoughts and concentrate on the positive ones, and ask God for what you want.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Hypnotherapy and NLP

Hypnotherapy and NLP

This article explores the benefits of hypnotherapy when used in conjunction with NLP.

NLP was developed in the early 1970’s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder who studied excellence within the field of therapy. Their main studies were of Milton Erickson (responsible for bringing hypnosis to the clinical world) Virginia Satir (a family therapist) and Fritz Pearls (founder of Gestalt therapy). Bandler and Grinder also drew upon the work of linguistics, anthropologists and psychoanalysts. NLP is an art and a science. It is largely based on the idea that the sensory information around us is translated into thoughts and ideas which affect our state, physiology and behaviour and therefore our results. Our words also affect our experience and the experience of others. NLP teaches us how to use communication more effectively. NLP also tells us that we code or represent information to ourselves in certain ways, using specific strategies and techniques we can represent this information differently to produce better results. The presuppositions are a list of convenient beliefs. They give empowerment and help us to understand how others might be experiencing the world. In short, NLP is an attitude of wanton curiosity, that uses strategies and techniques to consistently produce a specific and desired outcome. NLP techniques are available to learn from People Building who are based in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, or for therapeutic use with Gemma Bailey, in her clinic in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Diabetes Awareness: Will They Recognize You?

Diabetes Awareness: Will They Recognize You?

Imagine how it feels to look younger, feel younger, and act younger! Now, think about how others see you. Are you ready to make a lasting impression on your friends and family? Great!

Taking charge of your diabetes through exercise can give you a younger look and feel not to mention …… a younger attitude!

As you read this message, remember this: You don’t pay the price to improve your health, you reap the benefits of being healthy!

Treatment of diabetes has gone through dramatic changes in the past two decades. Previously, exercise was often overlooked as a "cornerstone" in its treatment as it was difficult to maintain blood sugar levels with the additional variability introduced by physical activity, especially for individuals with type 1 diabetes.