Monday, June 30, 2014

Heal Your Acne the Proven and Natural Way

natural acne

If you’re currently suffering from acne, you are not alone. Over 90% of people will have acne sometime in their lives. A high percentage of those will carry their acne condition into their adult lives.

Acne is mostly classified as a “personal problem”, meaning that it can have effects in your personal life. It can have a major affect on dating, relationships, self esteem, and many other nuances that make you who you are. While I agree that it does have a huge affect in these areas, for adults it can also be what I call a “professional problem”.

Since many people think that the only people who are constantly plagued by acne are teenagers, the thought of acne has been closely coupled with adolescence. When a professional business man or woman enters a room and is suffering from acne, he or she is looked upon as unprofessional, and all those traits that are normally associated with adolescence.

This is common human nature, and it is not your fault. While knowing it is not your fault provides very little comfort, you will be glad to know that there are things you can do to help your acne…right now!

Below is a small list of things that you can do to help rid yourself of acne. It is my philosophy that acne should be cured naturally, and believe me, there are definitely natural acne cures out there that work!

1. You should be using a chemical free skin cleanser every day. By cleaning your skin, you can help eliminate new blemishes from forming. Cleaning your skin every day is the best thing you can do to achieve healthy, acne free skin.

keep your

Monday, June 23, 2014

Heal Stretch Marks Through Safe and Natural Means

stretch marks

First of all you should realize that you can't heal stretch marks in the blink of an eye. The marks on your skin are scars on the inner layer of your skin. Like any other scar, these streaks can resist attempts to remove them. This is even if you decide to aggressively attack them.

Some people have the mistaken notion for example that expensive clinic visits will do the trick. You can opt for laser therapy, dermabrasion or even surgery. In some people, these methods may work. In others however, they may only produce moderate results. The procedures may even be accompanied by risks and side effects that may be temporarily unpleasant at the very least or damaging at the worst. This is why you may prefer to heal stretch marks naturally.

Natural means are safer than aggressive methods. Most ingredients used for stretch mark conditions in particular are safe as long as they are used correctly. Even pregnant women may use some natural products as indicated on product packet instructions. In any case, if aggressive means do not work completely, wouldn't you rather avoid possible side effects by using safe solutions?

heal stretch

There are two major types when it comes to natural solutions. You can use home remedies directly or you can use a product with natural ingredients. These can help nourish, rejuvenate, repair and promote the general health of your skin.

There is still no guarantee that natural means can heal stretch marks completely. Nonetheless, they seem to offer a genuine chance for healthy and safe healing.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Good Carbs, Bad Carbs - How Do I Choose?

good carb foods

Carbohydrate Food Selection

This is rather a controversial topic. The popular diet plans in the market have contributed confusion among the consumers when it comes to including carbohydrates (carbs) in the diet. The consumers are often faced with a challenge in their selection of carbohydrate foods where they either don't know what to consume and what to avoid or are perplexed with whether or not to consume carbohydrate foods at all.

Carbohydrates have been providing energy to the human body since the beginning of the evolution. In other words, our human bodies have adapted to consume carbohydrate foods for millions of years. Therefore, an avoidance of carbohydrate from our diet would not be ideal. However, a precaution needs to be taken for the selection of good carbs over the bad carbs.

Good Carbs

The sources of good carbs are whole grains like rice, wheat, oat, barley, whole grain cereals, whole grain breads, fruits, vegetables, etc. The good carb foods are generally low in sugar, fat and salt - the three main enemies of good health. The good carb foods like fruits contain a complex form of sugar that is not so readily absorbed in the human body and thereby keeps your blood sugar levels low. The good carb foods are also in general high in fiber. Therefore, replacing the carbohydrate portion of your daily diet with these good carbs would be a step towards better health.

good carb foods

Bad Carbs

They are mainly derived from processed foods and sweet snacks and desserts, such as, candies, cookies, chips, doughnuts, brownies, Danish, etc. Their sugar content is very high. Some of these foods may also be high in fat, salt and overall calories. These bad foods, in addition to being high in calories, are burned quickly by the body and make you hungry again. Unfortunately, the foods available in the western world are abundant in bad carbs. It has also to do somewhat with the western culture. For example, Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners would not be complete without pies and cakes, the spirit of the month of Christmas is incomplete if homemade cookies are missing, and taking candies out of Halloween and Ester is like taking a fish out of water. So over the time, people in the western world have gotten accustomed to consuming foods high in these sugary foods. A big part of this trend is contributed by the processed food industry.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Health and Diseases is Simply a Status of Free Radicals & Antioxidants Balance

anti oxidant


A free radical is defined as an atom, which has an unpaired electron - an electrically imbalanced atom. These are highly reactive and they always try to steel an electron from another molecule nearby by creating an imbalance of the molecules or cells.Redox Chain: (Reduction oxidation reaction chain): When a free radical steals an electron from a nearby molecule it makes the other molecule a free radical. This is called free radical chain or Redox Chain.

SOURCES OF FREE RADICALS:Human body is exposed to free radicals within the body (intrinsic) or from outside (Extrinsic).


1.Incomplete use of oxygen in the mitochondria.

2.Phagocytic cells releasing peroxides.

3.Interaction with cellular metals.

4.Oxidant enzymes - Cyclo-Oxyginase, MAO etc.


1.Air pollutants.

2.Cigarette smoke.

3.Ultra violet rays / sunlight.



6.Foods etc.

INTRINSIC:Free radicals are formed by incomplete aerobic metabolism in the mitochondria. These are called super oxide radicals.Metals like iron and copper can produce free radicals in the presence of ferrous metals & can react with super oxide radicals to form reactive radicals (OH2-).

Phagocytic cells:Macrophages and other phagocytic cells produce hydrogen peroxide to kill intracellular organisms and it also damages surrounding cells, common occurrence in inflammatory reactions.

Oxidant enzymes:The enzymes cyclo-oxygenase, monoamine oxidases etc, are essential for prostaglandin formation and degradation of catecholamines & during the process, free radicals are formed.