Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Headaches Defined and Treatments that Actually Work

over counter

Headaches are quite common. Everybody gets them, albeit some are more severe than others and some can indicate something more severe. Everyone has had them - sinus and allergy headaches, migraines, etc... This article will answer the questions of what causes them and how we should treat them.

Tension and allergy related headaches. When you feel pressure in your sinus areas or if you feel pressure around the top part of your head this is what you are experiencing. They are usually a dull bothersome ache that feels like a weight hanging from that area. They also tend to slow your reactions and make you lethargic. They can last from a few hours to a few days. Allergy headaches are usually associated with sneezing, stuffy nose, and can drain from one side to the other. Treatment for these headaches is similar - acetaminophnen (ibuprofen) usually works to reduce the severity of this headache. Also, Claritin works well for alergy related symptoms. For more severe tension headaches doctors have been known to use oxygen machines and a few injectable drugs that give a more immediate effect.

Migraines. These can be quite serious and are by far the most painful. They feel like a burst blood vessel or artery as they have a pulsing feel to them. They can be so painful that they can make you sick to your stomach (nausea), cause light sensativity and even virtigo. Migraines are quite prevalent and can also indicate something more severe like a brain tumor, a weakened blood vessel, abnormal changes in blood pressure and pH, etc... Repeated patterns of migraines or other headaches should be brought to the attention of your doctor for this reason. Your body many times will tell you when something is wrong and a abnormal or irregular headache or bodyache that has become chronic is a good indication that something may be off. It may be as simple as a hormonal imbalance, new stress, etc... Regardless, your doctor knows best and it should be brought to their attention. There are over the counter products that contain pain relievers and caffeine that may work. Doctors usually prescribe beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, and other various narcotics.

indicate something more

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Good Carbs, Bad Carbs, Ugly Carbs - Carbohydrates in Your Diet

100% whole

Good carbs, bad carbs... What's the difference?

Good carbs, bad cards -- they're both carbohydrates. The short word for carbohydrates is "carbs." Carbs are organic compounds composed of hydrogen and oxygen (like water). Naturally, they are called carbohydrates. The abbreviation is CHO -- carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Together, the carbohydrates in your diet, proteins and fats comprise the three essential macronutrients your body needs for good health.

What do Carbohydrates do?

The most important carbohydrate is glucose, a simple sugar (monosaccaride) that is metabolized by nearly all known organisms. The human body, through aerobic respiration, metabolizes glucose and oxygen to release energy with carbon dioxide and water as byproducts. The brain and neurons generally cannot burn fat for energy, but can use glucose or ketones. Oxidation of 1 gram of carbohydrates yields approximately 4 kcal of energy -- hence we say 1 gram = 4 Calories (capital C means 1000).

The Good Carbs

Whole grains include the whole seeds, not just the refined flour inside the seed shell. The germ of the grain has lots of vitamins and minerals. Whole grains contain phytochemicals such as lignans, flavenoids and polyphenols. Most whole wheat products are brown in color. Fiber can't be digested, so it helps slow down digestion making you feel full. Multi-grain breads are good. Oats are rich in beta glucans which absorbs cholesterol. Buy 100% whole grain breads and 100% whole grain pastas.

The Bad Carbs

Nutritionally, all sugars are the same. White sugar, raw sugar and honey should be used as little as possible. Instead, rely on the naturally-occurring simple carbs in fruits and vegetables.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Healing Fibroids Naturally - How to Shrink Fibroids Without Surgery

ways healing

A few years ago now, I started to look for ways of healing fibroids naturally after being diagnosed with multiple fibroids-the largest of which was the size of a small melon. Indeed, my abdomen, according to my doctor, was the size of a seven month pregnancy!

We talked through all the surgical options and because of the size of the fibroids, a hysterectomy was recommended. I needed some time to think and research my options as there was no way I wanted to lose my uterus. Not only was I reluctant to undergo major surgery, but I was worried about the psychological and physical effects of losing part of my womanhood.

My avid research led me to a comprehensive system of treatment which promised to teach ways of healing fibroids naturally. I was naturally skeptical, but went forward with it because I was running out of options. I embraced the system and followed it rigorously. It required my to make various changes to my lifestyle and diet. In addition, there were herbs and supplements which were relevant in my particular case and I had to keep track of it all. In the early days, there were honestly times when I felt like giving up as although I felt less discomfort from my fibroids even in the early days of treatment, I could not see any progress in my quest to shrink fibroids. However, I persevered and after a couple of months, I began to notice subtle changes. My clothes were feeling slightly looser and I didn't look quite as bloated.

forward with

Three months down the line, I went for a follow up scan. This was to be the time when I decided whether to press forward with my surgery or not. My doctor confirmed that the largest fibroid had indeed shrank slightly and said there was no harm in carrying on with the treatment. Within 9 months, I was more or less symptom-free and although they had not disappeared, my fibroids were of a completely manageable size and the system of healing fibroids naturally had worked.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Good Carbs? Bad Carbs? What the Heck?

refined carbs

When talking on the topic of carbohydrates, the most frequently asked question would have to be 'What's the difference between good and bad carbs other than the name?'. Well here I am to help clear up a lot of that confusion.

Let's get one thing straight, on paper low carb diets do work. However I believe the main reason for this success is due to peoples inability to control their consumption of refined carbs - breads, pastas, cakes, candies, sweets etc. However, a reduction in these types of carbs will help you lose weight. Conversely if you continue to over eat these types of refined carbs you will find it nearly impossible to lose any weight - even if you exercise like a maniac. Your blood sugar levels, insulin levels and metabolism will all be poorer for it.

Even carbs that are seemingly 'healthy' are really calories that you are going to have to burn off, and to top it off these carbs are not going to give your body the nutrients it needs - Or if you will, a very small bang for your buck. Marketers have conditioned us to believe that most whole grain breads are indeed good for us. I tend to disagree, the reason being is that these products will contain refined flour, which will affect your bloody sugar levels. This has two outcomes, firstly your appetite is not appeased and secondly down the road you may be the proud owner of type two diabetes.

It is my opinion that most people struggling to lose weight would see better results by following the following rules:

Decrease your intake of grain based foods and eat more free range meats and dairy, an awful lot of vegetables - raw and cooked.

lose weight