Tuesday, February 5, 2013

10 Tips to Lose Your Winter Weight

Spring is the perfect time of year to shed those winter sweaters-and a few extra pounds-in time for the sweltering summer months ahead.

These are ten tips to help you get your spring workout regimen underway-even while you sit at your desk.

'Top 10 Tips' toward a hot, beach body:

Plan an outdoor picnic - you'll have to walk to the picnic spot; you'll only have the food you packed to eat (of course, pack a nutritious meal!)

Take the stairs - everywhere, every time. It will make a difference!

Take advantage of the season's freshest fruits and vegetables - your plate should be as colorful as the season!

Take the gym outside - you've been stuck on the treadmill or stationary bike all winter - now you can hit the streets

Beach Body Abs in one word? PLANK! Do each side (right, left and center) during the commercial breaks of your favorite show

Drink more water - not only will this help your body flush out toxins but you will keep cooler now that the weather is warm

Have fun with your exercise routine - go dancing! Salsa and line dancing provide great cardio

Beware those summer beverage favorites! Margaritas and Daiquiris are NOT figure flattering. Stick to lower calorie - lower sugar options, like vodka and club soda or tequila with a few slices of lime

On vacation? Don't forget your running shoes!! The beach is calling!

Stuck at your desk all summer? Get up and walk to the water cooler every 20 minutes...and don't skip the water!

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