Having headaches everyday equals a migraine but what is a migraine exactly? Well, a migraine is basically recurring headaches. But they can include other symptoms as well, such as sensitivity to light and noise, nausea, vomiting and dizziness.
So what causes a migraine then? usually its chemical changes happening in the brain that causes the attack. This starts a loop of changes, with the brain responding abnormally to signals from its own covering and blood vessels.
What about a cure? Researchers in Cambridge, UK compared the DNA of thousands of people having headaches everyday to those that were not. They found a genetic flaw could raise the odds of the disease by allowing glutamate which is a that transmits messages in the brain, to build up in the junctions between brain cells. A drug that could stop the build-up of glutamate could lead to a cure for the condition.
I have listed some migraine 'triggers' that may help you.
Turn Off iPhone:
Staring at your iPhone, computer screen or television for too long a period of time could bring on an attack. Glare can cause having headaches everyday. The brain has a threshold of how much glare it can withstand. If you suspect that this is a trigger for your migraine, it would be a good idea to put a screen up on your computer screen to reduce the glare. Watch less television and less iPhone too.
Should I Exercise?
Exercise has been noted as a trigger but research suggests moderate workouts can be therapeutic and even prevent am attack. There are few that find that exercise is a trigger. But this is quite rare. it doesn't mean you should stop exercising as this could effect your general health. There are preventative treatments available.