Monday, September 22, 2014

Heal Thyself - They Are Not Going To Save Us

Understand that

I am convinced there are some things that they do not want YOU to know about YOU. If you knew who you really are and what you are capable of, you would be healthier and happier -- and richer. Most of us, however, have adopted the idea that so-called experts know what is best for us. Therefore, we entrust our power, and our money, to the government, health care systems, educational systems, insurance companies, and various other agencies set up to protect us. They, however, are not going to save us.

Where Is the Cure?

Look around at what is happening in our world and our communities. How many years have we been marching, running, and cycling for "the cure?" Are we healthier? Why are there new diseases each year? Why are there more medications for these diseases, as well as the same old diseases year after year? The health statistics are more disturbing each year.

According to the Mental Health Association, 1 in 5 adults suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.

In the U.S., 21.9 million adults and 8.9 million children under 18 have been diagnosed with asthma (Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics - AANMA).

Nearly 1 in 3 adults has high blood pressure (The American Heart Association).

More than 1,500 people die of cancer each day (American Cancer Society).

There has been a 500 percent increase in the number of prescriptions written for ADHD since 1991 (


We are being poisoned and suppressed, mentally and spiritually, by the chemicals in our food and water, the polluted air we breathe, and by the high levels of electromagnetic waves in our environment. Can it be that the well-educated men and women in positions of power in this country and in the world cannot figure out what needs to happen to turn these health statistics around? Could it be about money, power and control? Yes, they are taking your money, your power, and you are being controlled. They are not going to save us.

The Good News

Understanding that no one is coming to save us is good news. This means we can stop sitting around waiting on a promise and can take charge of our own lives --and our own health. Yes, we can do this. Our bodies are miraculous. Our spirits are divine.

We can start by simply knowing what it is we are putting into and on our bodies. A simple rule that I follow is, if I cannot pronounce it, I do not eat it.

Whole Entities

If you are eating and drinking items that you would not feel comfortable putting on your skin, then do not put them into your body. The reverse is also true, if you are using products on the outside of your body that you would not feel comfortable putting into your mouth and inside your body, then perhaps you should consider using different products.

We should start looking at our bodies as whole entities and know that whether the chemicals are inside or outside, they have the ability to affect us -or not affect us-- in one way or another. Understand that the food you eat does affect you physically, mentally and spiritually. Understand that your environment does affect you physically, mentally and spiritually.

Something Simple

You may be allergic to some food or some item in your environment that you are not even aware of. For instance, there have been great healing successes for people when they simply removed white bread and other wheat products from their diet. Many people find that they feel better when they do not eat dairy products.

I am not saying that this is the case for everybody. What I am saying is, sometimes the culprit that is making us feel ill can be something simple. I recently read that a man received great relief from a constant, nagging back problem by simply moving his bed away from a wall that electrical current ran through. There is also data available that proves the healing power of pure water.

have been

Check out your environment for toxins -- this includes toxic people, too. We can learn to love some people from afar.

A Spiritual Being

Understand that you are a spiritual being. What does this mean? It means we are in this world, but we are not of this world. Your body is your 3-D earthly container. Your body is not who you are. You see; you have always been and will forever be. You are pure God energy. You are a wonderful, beautiful, vibrating spirit.

You are of and from a greater source and will eventually return to that source. There is nothing that is true of God (or whatever you call the Greatest Entity) that is not true of ourselves. It means there is no one greater than you are, more powerful than you are, or wiser than you.

However, we have been convinced otherwise. For you to know these things would mean that you could no longer be controlled. It would mean that the ad agencies and the media's strategies of selling you on the idea that you need more and more things to be happy would not work.

Five Senses

At an early age, we are taught about our five senses. However, we are led to believe that if we cannot see something, hear it, touch it, taste it or smell it, it does not exist. This is not true. We do not see or smell the electromagnetic waves that make wireless phones possible. We cannot see, touch or smell radio and TV signals or see sound waves. Yet, they exist. Wow, what marvelous wonders must exist in us, around us, and through us that we are not able to experience with our five senses.

Good Vibrations

We are also taught about the many systems in our bodies, including the digestive system, the respiratory system, the nervous system and skeletal system. Rarely is there mention of our energy system. Although we cannot see our subtle energy fields, this vital force allows us access to greater wisdom, intuition and perfect health. So many times, when we are looking for the answers to our physical and mental challenges, we do not check our energy system to make sure it is balanced as well. We are vibrations. We are electric!

Look Inside

Most of us were never taught how to tap in to, or gain access to, our inner wisdom and our inner power. 'Knowledge of self' is not in the public school curriculum. We must stop looking outside ourselves and looking to everyone else to give us the answer and the cure. Many health care providers are dedicated, caring people. They can treat our symptoms and make us feel better. However, we must, and can, take responsibility for our own health and healing. Remember, they are not going to save us.

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