Most headaches are caused by muscle tension in the head, neck and shoulder areas, often caused by strenuous work or bad posture of the body. Before running to the drug store to take pain relief medications like Advil, Aleve or Tylenol, there are natural remedies and supplements that can prevent, reduce and even eliminate the pain.
What are some effective natural headaches treatment that works?
There are many natural remedies that work to cure headaches, the ones listed below are commonly used and is shown to be effective for many people suffering from constant or occasional headaches including migraine headaches.
This mineral has been studied for preventing and treating migraine headaches and experts believe it can be helpful in curing tension headaches as well. Magnesium is essential for the nervous system and blood vessels to function properly. Researchers discovered through clinical trials that people suffering from migraine headaches seem to have lower blood levels of magnesium than those who do not.
The recommended dose is 200 mg three times daily. Lower dose may be effective for some people as well.
Feverfew is a very popular and effective herb for headaches treatment. It is traditionally used to get rid of migraine headaches. It can be helpful for other types of headaches such as tension headaches as well.
Experts suggest using a standardized product rather than the raw herbs. This will ensure that you get the same amount of the active ingredient parthenolides from bottle to bottle.