Monday, April 27, 2015

Healthy Eating and Children - Breakfast Ideas

grain toast

More than ever, the link between mood, healthy eating and children are being investigated. Healthy nutrients are known to prevent disease, increase energy and boost brain power. However, getting children to adhere to a healthy eating schedule is another matter!

Without a powerful breakfast, children can be listless and subsequently, a morning spent at school can be a wash out. Protein in the morning gives your child (and you) a wake up call. The amino acids in protein provide a brain boost as they help manufacture the necessary neurotransmitters needed for mental clarity. Carbohydrates by themselves can be too calming. Your child could be yawning by 10:30 a.m. with a breakfast of only toast and jam, or a waffle and syrup.

Online Nutritionist Gives Breakfast Ideas:

1 or 2 eggs, 1 slice of whole grain toast, a little butter or almond butter, and ½ cup of berries

Vegetable omelette and a slice of whole grain toast or scoop of brown rice

½ - ¾ cups cooked oatmeal mixed with 2 tbsp. of rice or whey protein powder, milk or yogurt. Sprinkle on almonds or pumpkin or sunflower seeds

Turkey breakfast sausage (organic) with 1 egg and whole grain toast and a little butter.

A slice of mozzarella or havarti cheese on a slice of whole grain toast. Include a small piece of fruit or berries.

whole grain

Brown rice with beans, add melted cheese

Home made muffin or one from a health food store - (whole grains, low sugar). Add a handful of almonds or pumpkin seeds or a slice of cheese.

Bowl of cereal with milk, soy milk, or almond milk. Cereal - no or low sugar; choose grains other than wheat for a healthy change. Add berries and sunflower seeds or almonds.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Healthy Eating and Children's Nutrition

childrens nutrition

The subject of healthy eating and children's nutrition is a common concern for most parents, especially younger or new parents. Wanting the very best of good and nutritious food for their children is something all parents strive for, but not necessarily know how to do.

With all the food trends out these days, unexperienced parents can easily be swept away into following a diet that their child probably doesn't need to follow. Fad diets did not skip the children's realm, in fact, some of them specifically targeted the children of new parents, knowing that moms and dads would take a bite.

When it comes to healthy eating and children's nutrition, new parents have to follow common sense, and listen to what their doctors say. Pediatricians will be the ones who know your baby best, as well as which stage of development they're in. Before following any fad diet for your child, or a new craze for how to feed children, discuss it with your doctor. Also keep in mind that breastfeeding is good for babies for at least six months, and better if you can do so for longer.

Another thing parents have to keep in mind before following any new diet and childrens nutrition craze for their child is food allergies. Children react to food differently at different stages. Sometimes it's because their immune system hasn't been built up yet, and other times it's because they truly are allergic.

You can determine if your child has a food allergy by talking to your doctor. There are some skin allergy tests that a toddler can take to address this issue. For example, the fad diet that encourages children to eat nuts may have its wisdom and benefits, but for a child allergic to nuts, it can be lethal.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Healthy Eating and Acai Berry Diets

acai berry

The acai berry diet is a great way to start being healthy. The acai diet features the acai berry; a berry that is known for having multiple health benefits. Those who go on the acai diet often feel as though it is the only healthy thing that they need to do. They fail to think about all of the various aspects of their lives that need to revolve around health.

Healthy eating is one major way to boost the effects of the acai diet. The acai diet adds certain things to the body; antioxidants, omega fatty acids, and vitamins and minerals. It is only a part of your entire diet. Healthy eating is a crucial way to ensure that you can see the positive affects of the acai diet.

For some, this simply means going on another diet. Those who are attempting to lose weight should make sure that they are going on two diets; the acai diet, and another food diet. Going on a diet will help you to lower your intake of calories and fat. Lowering these foods will help you to lose weight.

berry diet

Those who are not attempting to lose weight should still consider eating healthy. An acai berry diet can give you some important health benefits. It cannot give you all of the benefits that you need to live a completely healthy life. Be sure to consider the food pyramid and how much food you are eating at one time.

The acai berry diet cannot act alone. While it can give you health benefits, it will not be able to have a full effect when you are eating unhealthy. Healthy eating habits are important to an acai berry diet.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Healthy Eating and a Healthier Lifestyle

fruit vegetables

Healthy eating and a healthier lifestyle can be simple, the problem being most of us are too lazy to do something about it and change the way we eat and get up off our backsides and do some exercise. Reading articles like this mean you do care so lets take the next step, be positive, and with a little discipline - do something about it.

Start your Healthy eating plan by Choosing lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and include plenty of nutrient-rich reduced fat dairy foods, whole grain breads and cereals, and lean meats or alternatives. Changing eating habits and cooking methods can achieve this. There is no need to cook bland or boring dishes, plenty of options are available for preparing delicious healthy meals.

Healthy eating can prevent certain types of diseases and high cholesterol. A well balanced diet and regular exercise are important for a healthy lifestyle to avoid these health issues. Eating healthy and changing your lifestyle can help reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. It also helps you to reach and maintain a healthy weight.

Vegetable sources are tomatoes, red and green peppers, spinach, just to name a few. Carrots and other green and leafy vegetables are other excellent sources for your daily intake of nutrients. Brightly coloured fruits and vegetables are the best as these have the most vitamin, mineral and antioxidant content, including vitamins B and C. All fruit and vegetables are an important part of a healthy balanced diet.

Healthy eating is important at all ages but even more so for the growth and development of infants, children, and adolescents. You should encourage children to help in the kitchen and prepare new foods - not only will the young ones love helping out but research suggests they will be more likely to try them if they have taken part in the preparation.

your body

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Healthy Eating And A Balanced Diet

fruit vegetables

Everyone is constantly told by the press, doctors and the government here in the UK that healthy eating is very important. People generally live much longer now than they did fifty years ago. On average people also grow taller and weigh more.

The amount and variety of food available today is the greatest ever. And many food items are much cheaper than they used to be. Food provides material that our bodies can convert into heat and energy and can use to grow and repair internal systems.

Food is made up of various amounts of carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins mineral salt and fibre. A balanced diet must contain all of these nutrients in the correct proportions.

Lack of any one will affect the body in different ways. Lack of fibre will lead to poor digestion, lack of vitamins poor health,the lack of mineral salts will give you bad teeth and poor bones,the lack of carbohydrate will result in low energy levels, the lack of protein poor growth and health and the lack of fat will give you poor health and low energy levels.

If we eat more food than our bodies require, the excess amounts will, increase the weight that we have to carry, create an imbalance of chemicals in our bodies and build up fat that is stored in our bodies. This can lead to problems such as obesity, joint problems diabetes, high blood pressure heart and thyroid problems.

amounts fruit

Do you know in the UK 65% of men and 56% of women are either overweight or obese. This is a form of malnutrition, although this term is more often used to describe people who do not have sufficient food to eat. Good nutrition is vital to good health. Poor nutrition is a recognised cause of ill-health and premature death.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Health and Well-Being

your life

Your health and well being is your responsibility. Try to get into positive habits, focusing on life's good points, and not dwelling on life's negatives. There are plenty of them. Look for the good. Employ the use of a victory list.

Make a list of all your achievements, and compliments you are paid. Go back into your past, and remember as many as you can. Keep them in your mind. Make it a mission to check out all your components. Have your eyes checked out. Your teeth. Thorough check-up. If possible, Colon irrigation. Have your palms read. Get your birth-chart plotted. See if you can get a picture of your aura. Do a chart starting from the present, and retrace your life's journey to your earliest memories, noting the turning points, influences and people that helped condition you to the way you are now. Compare notes, and see what picture you build up.. Your physical condition is a big part of your general health and well being. If being resourceful and vibrant in your life is part of your goals, then you need to have your mental and physical self image working in tandem, and supporting you.

Mentally, are you satisfied with were your life is going? If you are unhappy, this can act detrimentally to your health. Try limit processed, refined foods. Read the packaging. Do you know what your eating? Do you have a good eating habit? Wally Wattles in his book "The Science of Being Well",says to eat only when you are hungry- and stop eating when you feel full. You don't have to wake up to a "breakfast like a King", if you are not hungry. Try eat your "big meal" (eg. meat, rice and potatoes etc.) of the day, at lunch time; and eat lightly at your evening meal-try to get a mixture of five fruit and veg. per day. Try to cut down on your red meat. Try to cut down on your salt intake. Try drink two litres of water daily. Food supplements should also be considered, to boost the mineral, vitamin and protein content. Vitamin C in winter could be useful. Check out the medicines prescribed to you. Do they weaken your resistance, causing you to be susceptible to illnesses in other areas?

health well being

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Health and Wellbeing: The Greatest Gifts on Earth

natural therapies

Happiness lies, first of all, in health.

But that happiness is going to be in jeopardy if our health is not ok!

Modern life is very complex and we work the longest hours. Resultantly there aren't enough hours in the day to work and have a quality home and social life. The hustle and bustle of our daily routine makes us even more fatigued.

You try balancing your tight schedule in the work front with your time to be devoted to restore your enthusiasm. It will boost you up and you can perform your work properly.

But sometimes you lack the stamina for doing any work. Even if you maintain eating right food you are short of that strength.

So how do you fit in all the mundane tasks of everyday life?

And what is that required other than normal food or medicine?

For all the queries the answer is 'an appropriate health care'. A proper health assessment is very much needed to rejuvenate you in the midst of your hectic day-to-day work pattern. It is nothing but the process of defining and quantifying risks and determining the acceptability of those risks to human being.

Once the factors are known, the next work is to define ways to maximise the health power.

There are actually seven keys to healthy living: A good decision, Proper lifestyle, Spirituality, Stress Management, Regular Exercise, Burning of calories and Intake of Proper Nutrition.

And all these things are out of the normal medication or they can easily be called alternative medicines. Treating diseases chiefly by assisting the body's innate capacity to recover from illness and revive the power within is the basic motto of the alternative cure all.

called natural

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Heal Your Ailing Nerves, Muscles, and Joints With Professional Chiropractic Services

tunnel syndrome

Chiropractic doctors are the answer for relieving your pain, from neck strain to carpal tunnel syndrome. Contact your local chiropractic services today and get ready to live a pain-free life!

While chiropractors are widely known for providing relief from generic discomfort and pain, they also provide treatment and healing for serious issues like sciatica, scoliosis, fibromyalgia, and carpal tunnel. When you need more than neck or back pain relief, your local chiropractic services are there to help.

Muscle tension and nerve problems are often caused by motion injuries and generally poor ergonomics. Often causing numbness, tingling, or pain, such conditions can be debilitating or, at best, extremely uncomfortable. One such issue that's fairly common, especially in this age of computers, is carpal tunnel syndrome. The carpal tunnel is a narrow channel in your wrist that surrounds major nerves and tendons for protection. When the ligaments surrounding your carpal tunnel are irritated by overuse or strain, the resulting inflammation creates pressure that pinches your median nerve. While the initial tingling and numbness are certainly uncomfortable, prolonged pressure on your nerve can result in permanent, painful damage. The good news is that a licensed chiropractor offers carpal tunnel treatment in order to stop the progression of nerve damage in its tracks.

carpal tunnel syndrome

Sciatica, another nerve-related condition, also plagues your body with symptoms ranging from slight numbness to burning pain. Located in your lower back, the sciatic nerve can be irritated by a ruptured or inflamed disc and spread the affliction to nerves in your buttocks and legs. In this case, the only way to regain full, comfortable movement is to receive sciatica treatment from your local chiropractor. With both carpal tunnel syndrome and sciatica, effective chiropractic care will include basic adjustments to your spine and massage therapy for ailing tendons, ligaments, and nerves.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Health and Weight Loss with Power of Protein

heart health

Our bodeis needs adequate protein daily for healthy weight management and peak physical performance. Unfortunately, many dietary protein sources, including meat, cheese and nuts, are also high in unwanted fat and calories. Protein Powder is a convenient way to increase your protein consumption, which helps you maintain your energy level between meals, speed your metabolism and helps you to build and maintain lean muscle mass.

Fast Facts

Whey protein is a source of the amino acids cysteine and methionine, which are vital for muscle development.

Contains no fat, carbohydrates, cholesterol, salt, sugar or sweeteners.

It can be added to your cereal, yogurt, soups and pasta sauces to provide complete protein to any meal.

A protein-enriched meal can help you feel fuller longer, making weight loss easier.

Soy-based products are on the rise for very healthy reasons.

Promote heart health and overall wellness with the super power of soy protein. Learn how to get your recommended daily dose of this super bean.

The humble soybean boasts some extraordinary benefits. In 1999, the FDA approved a dietary health claim for soy foods, recommending an average daily intake of 25 grams of soy protein, with soy isoflavones, in addition to a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet, to reduce the risk of heart disease. This final rule is based on the FDA's conclusion that foods containing soy protein included in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of cardiac-heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol levels.

isoflavones help

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Heal Your Brain Using Mindful Meditation

blood pressure

Mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy has been shown to reduce anxiety in a broad range of clinical populations, as reported by the University of Ottawa. Meditation reduces stress and enhances forgiveness, according to a study published by the Journal of American College Health. Meditators have a greater ability to moderate the intensity of their emotional arousal during stressful situations, say the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Studies from Yale and Washington University have shown that mindful meditation increases your brain's levels of GABA, DHEA, melatonin, serotonin, HGH, and endorphins. Meditation effectively combats the effects of depression by reducing your levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Because meditation increases these beneficial brain chemicals, it is a simple way to combat the effects of depression. It reduces stress, relieves depression and anxiety, and lowers your blood pressure, according to research published by the National Institute of Mental Health.

GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid)

GABA is an important neurotransmitter found in the central nervous system. It inhibits the production of stress-producing hormones, such as cortisol.

Insufficient amounts of GABA in the body are linked to tension, anxiety, insomnia, and epilepsy. GABA supplements help to correct mood disorders.

Sufficient levels of the neurotransmitter are essential for proper brain function. In a Yale study, scientists found that people suffering from panic disorders or addictions have considerably lower amounts of GABA.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Health and Weight Loss Tips - Take a Probiotic Daily

body natural

There are literally billions of friendly or good bacteria in our bodies. Called probiotics, these guys play an important role in helping to keep us fit and in good health. The term 'probiotic' is often used to describe food supplements that contain live bacteria.

These bacteria can help the health of your gut, specifically the delicate balance of the intestinal microflora. Scientists are trying to develop target-specific probiotics containing bacteria selected for their health-enhancing characteristics.

Normally, we think of bacteria as bad news for our health. While a lot of bacteria do cause illness and disease, some are actually very good for our body. Lactobacillus and bifidobacterium, for example, keep the digestive system fully functional and working as it should. Several diseases, high levels of stress, the aging process and a lot of medicines like antibiotics can simply destroy our body's natural levels of good bacteria. If they cannot be replenished quickly then bad bacteria can get a foothold and other health problems may develop.

Our immune system is our body's natural defense warding off bad bacteria, diseases and infections. Probiotics form a strong line of defense against the bad and unhealthy bacteria that get into our bodies. In doing this, they help support our digestive and immune systems, enabling us to cope with everyday life. If your digestion is working well you will feel better and your body will be able to utilize the nutrients in the food more effectively.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Health and Wellbeing - Supplements! Why We Need Vitamins and Minerals

Booster Anti-Viral

Should we be taking supplements in our every day lives? That is a question many may ask. So, should we? My opinion is yes we should. In the fast paced modern world that I and millions of others live in, very rarely do we ingest all the correct vitamins and minerals our bodies need to function correctly. This may not seem a big deal, we live for a long period these days as it is. Modern medicine and treatments from doctors and hospitals are able to help and over come many problems we face. Think about this however, how many of these problems could be prevented in the first place with just a little more care and attention to how we look after ourselves.

Let us take a look at infections for instance. We have all heard the term prevention is better than cure, right? I believe Louis Pasteur said it eloquently on his deathbed, " The host is more important than the invader ". Science has increasingly found that we succumb to bugs / infection far more when our bodies are run down. What causes our immune systems to become run down? Lack of rest and sleep, not eating the correct foods, not getting enough calories, not staying health through activity, not giving our bodies enough of the correct vitamins and minerals. Most of these we can actually pretty easily do for ourselves. We can make the effort to get the correct rest, we are responsible for what we eat, we can also make sure we get enough calories through eating the right foods, also doing healthy activity to keep our bodies fit. Making sure we get the correct daily amounts of vitamins and minerals however is something we will struggle with. The human body will use more vitamins and minerals the more it works, also depending on the type of activity it does too, either physical or mental activity. Remember! the brain also has to be actively used and trained, just like muscles and internal organs.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Headaches: Tips for Management and Prevention

base skull

Headaches are a complicated subject because there are many different headache types and there are often many factors involved in their development (often, there is not one single identifiable cause). This article serves as an introduction to the topic of headaches with some tips about management and prevention. More information about headache classification can be found on the International Headache Society website.

The most common type of headache, responsible for ~90% of all headaches, is a tension type headache (TTH). Pain quality is described as a tensor band squeezing the head, bilateral across the temples and/or around the base of the skull. TTHs, along with a few other headache types have musculoskeletal components to their etiology. For example, tight muscles in the neck and shoulders and the joints of the neck and jaw can refer pain to the head. Overall posture and especially head carriage can be responsible for the development of joint irritation and muscle tension that results in headache development.

Management and Prevention Tips:

1) Have a proper evaluation:

Most headaches are benign in origin but having a proper diagnosis is important because the management may differ. In addition, certain "red flags" may indicate a pathology that must be taken seriously. Make sure to consult with a healthcare professional if the headache is severe, different from your typical headache has an abrupt onset or is associated with trauma, neurological signs, fever, other unusual symptoms or if you have concerns.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Health and Weight Loss Supplements Make Life Better

about trying

There is a reason it is called, "the heartbreak of psoriasis." Depending on the severity of the condition, symptoms can range from itching and annoying to painful and debilitating. I should know; I have had it on one knee and one elbow for more years than I would like to think about. I have tried dozens of prescription drugs and non-prescription skincare solutions. Now I am going to try a special supplement cream I just found on an organic health and beauty website. I am very excited about trying this cream because when my psoriasis is under control my life is much better.

The National Psoriasis Foundation estimates that more than five million people in the U.S. have psoriasis. Medical professionals diagnose hundreds of thousands of new cases every year. Psoriasis causes skin cells to reproduce at a faster than normal rate, causing thick patches of red lesions covered in dead skin. These lesions can be itchy, painful, and unsightly. There is no known cure for psoriasis, but there are ways of relieving the symptoms.

The active ingredient in this new cream from the online health and beauty site helps with the shedding of the dead skin cells. Controlling the scaling and flaking of psoriasis can help the skin heal naturally. The product also has moisturizers to help soothe the skin, which can bring immediate relief.

This organic health and beauty site carries other skincare products as well. Various creams help with wrinkles, moisturizing, anti-aging, and hair removal. Other products for women stimulate hair growth, plump up lips, control yeast infections, and ease the symptoms of menopause.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Health and Wellbeing - Be Realistic and Honest With Yourself

health wellbeing

Our Health is something we all should take seriously, after all we only have one body and one time here, so we might as well make the best of it and live a healthy life, so we can enjoy it for as long as we can.

When it comes to our health, we first and foremost must be realistic and honest about what we want. What is it we are after when it comes to our health and wellbeing? If you say to yourself, OK! I want to be like one of these sports stars, incredibly fit and in shape or I want to look like a model, then you are going to have to put some serious training in, and I mean serious. Training is going to take up a very large portion of your life, depending on what level of health / fitness you are aiming for. You could be training 6 to 7 times a week, maybe even twice a day. Rest will also be incredibly important, does your life allow you to have a solid 8 hours sleep a night? Does your life allow you to take rests during the day? These are also important questions you need to ask yourself. You will have to carefully watch what types of food you consume, limit yourself with sugars, fats and such. Lots of protein and carbohydrates.You are going to have to have a very strict diet. You probably will have to give up a lot of the things every day people take for granted, no snacking late at night, limited amounts of alcohol, in other words, focused. That is the reality of it. Yes, I know this may seem a very obvious thing to write, but we do have a tendency to be unrealistic with ourselves. We set almost impossible goals and then get discouraged and lose faith and heart when we don't get to where we want, or what we want.

comes health

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Headaches Remedies - Some Tips For Headache Remedies You Can Try at Home!

help relax

Headaches - I bet you've had them and the fact that you are reading this makes me think you probably have, or know someone that has, a continuing problem with headaches. Most people suffer from headaches at some time, some people much more than others. Headaches can range in severity from mild, to extremely painful migraines.

If you suffer from tension headaches you will feel a tightness around your head and a dull ache. You may feel like you have something squeezing your head. Tension headaches are caused by muscle contractions due to stress and may continue for days or even weeks usually until the stress trigger is relieved.

If you are suffering from migraine headache you will usually have pain on one side of the head, often a throbbing pain behind the eye or near the temple and can also go through to the back of the head. These headaches may also have other symptoms accompanying them such as nausea, vomiting and sometimes auras.

Although there are many medications you can get over the counter for headaches and even prescription medications for severe headaches, many people don't like taking medications on a continuing basis, so why not try some home remedies to ease the pain of your headache.

Here are a few headaches remedies that may help....

1. Wheat bag - a wheat bag can be warmed up in the microwave and then placed on the side of your head with the headache or even on the back of your neck. This can help to relax your muscles and help ease the pain and discomfort.

2. Sometimes a cold pack can help by cooling your head and numbing the pain. A cold pack is not all that comfortable to have against your skin so you may want to wrap it in a tea towel.