Friday, March 20, 2015

Health and Well-Being

your life

Your health and well being is your responsibility. Try to get into positive habits, focusing on life's good points, and not dwelling on life's negatives. There are plenty of them. Look for the good. Employ the use of a victory list.

Make a list of all your achievements, and compliments you are paid. Go back into your past, and remember as many as you can. Keep them in your mind. Make it a mission to check out all your components. Have your eyes checked out. Your teeth. Thorough check-up. If possible, Colon irrigation. Have your palms read. Get your birth-chart plotted. See if you can get a picture of your aura. Do a chart starting from the present, and retrace your life's journey to your earliest memories, noting the turning points, influences and people that helped condition you to the way you are now. Compare notes, and see what picture you build up.. Your physical condition is a big part of your general health and well being. If being resourceful and vibrant in your life is part of your goals, then you need to have your mental and physical self image working in tandem, and supporting you.

Mentally, are you satisfied with were your life is going? If you are unhappy, this can act detrimentally to your health. Try limit processed, refined foods. Read the packaging. Do you know what your eating? Do you have a good eating habit? Wally Wattles in his book "The Science of Being Well",says to eat only when you are hungry- and stop eating when you feel full. You don't have to wake up to a "breakfast like a King", if you are not hungry. Try eat your "big meal" (eg. meat, rice and potatoes etc.) of the day, at lunch time; and eat lightly at your evening meal-try to get a mixture of five fruit and veg. per day. Try to cut down on your red meat. Try to cut down on your salt intake. Try drink two litres of water daily. Food supplements should also be considered, to boost the mineral, vitamin and protein content. Vitamin C in winter could be useful. Check out the medicines prescribed to you. Do they weaken your resistance, causing you to be susceptible to illnesses in other areas?

health well being

Are you happy with yourself physically. Do you know your optimum pulse rate? Blood pressure? Respiratory rate? Do you over use sedatives? Laxatives? Pain killers? Do you know your calorie intake for the day? Are you on target? You are what you eat. Difficult foods to digest could be robbing you of energy, better spent in other areas. Do you need lots of caffeine to "surface" in the morning? A light exercise regime with say a glass of juice (try cut down on processed sugar) could give the same result. P.M.A. Positive mental attitude. A lot of illnesses are psychosomatic-and by adopting a P.M.A. you could avoid a lot of these. Basic meditation, exercise and diet can assist greatly in stress management.

Trying to be everything to everyone, without enough me time. Do you regularly relax? Do you empty your mind? Do you monitor yourself, and look out for any changes to your norm? Constipation, sudden sleeplessness-Do you sleep enough? If possible, try to have at least one window half open while you sleep. Your bedroom should be a place to sleep. Try to furnish your bedroom to support this. A friend of mine had a picture of a Bullfighter in his room? Not very relaxing. Is your environment supportive, or destructive? Do you clean regularly? Many people have pets-or stay in dusty areas. Do you clean your mattress regularly? Dust mites thrive, and skin mites multiply and could cause respiratory problems. Try to de-clutter as much as possible, without making your home too clinical. Physical Fitness. Stretching exercises. Stop smoking. Moderate Drinking.

know your

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